lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014

Post N° 6

Hi Friends, how are you? Today im going to talk about  environmental practices!
The best way to learn about environmental practices in my opinion is to practice them, either by teaching younger children, or just performing them, in this way setting an example to society about how they should do things.
Personally I am not of those who recycle and reuse their trash, but I care about not to contaminate, like throwing papers on the streets, etc.
As the situation warrants, walking, I like to walk, not only to avoid to pollute, is because it's good for health stretching the legs, but if Im hurry as I turn to some form of transport.
Actually I have not even informed of eco-organizations, I'm not aware that they are or how they work, not the fact that I do not care, but because I don’t have enough time sometimes, usually use that time to procrastinate.
I would like to help in schools, teaching children about how to avoid polluting the environment, not very complicated, just simple details which can change the world.
I really don’t know about what  is a carbon footprint, but I would find out for action on this issue.
Greater incentive environmental policies, sometimes not enough to just “shopping televisión”, or a recycling campaign then is forgotten, I think perseverance is needed on this issue.

That’s all guys, see you on the next post!

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